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Jobs & Economic Development


Promise Zone Jobs Goal: Accelerate Job Creation - The Promise Zone partners will accelerate job creation by aligning job creation with the Next Economy Capital Region Prosperity Plan, which identifies priority business clusters as opportunities for economic growth.

Subgoal #1: Invest in a sector approach to occupational skills training that prepares jobseekers in the Promise Zone for career pathways to middle skilled jobs that ensure self-sufficiency. 

Subgoal #2: Improve business climate for economic growth in the Promise Zone. This subgoal establishes a starting point for addressing economic impediments that prevent business growth in the Promise Zone area by focusing on collective efforts on reducing locally controlled regulations, and streamlining predictable permitting policies and procedures throughout the Promise Zone.

Subgoal #3: Diversify the economy through growth and support of the core business clusters. 

Promise Zone Economic Development Goal: Promote a sustainable economic base - invest in Building the Promise Zone - Facilitate and promote projects and program initiatives that support economic growth and expansion, quality of life, and job creation in key areas of the Promise Zone.​

Subgoal #1: Revitalize commercial corridors within the Promise Zone; each of which is a vital asset and offer tremendous revitalization opportunities, including retail, commercial, and housing.

Subgoal #2: Focus resources on key infill and major development projects within the Promise Zone. A number of key infill and major development projects throughout the Promise Zone contribute to creating jobs, improving the quality of life, and building a sustainable local economy.

Subgoal #3: Implement and promote policy and planning initiatives that effectively improve business-friendly conditions and processes to encourage further development and investment in the Promise Zone.​

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