The Sacramento Promise Zone was identified and designated in 2015 as high poverty area using census tracts and baseline data that include the following focus areas:
Total Population
Poverty Rate
Unemployment Rate
Life Expectancy
3rd Grade Level Reading Rate
High School Graduation Rate
Violent Crime Rate
The most recent data from the 2020 Census and other sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is encouraging. Hundreds of partners working together collaboratively across all sectors to focus projects, programs, and resources on the Sacramento Promise Zone area and communities certainly has contributed to improved outcomes that the data suggests. The total population, poverty rate, unemployment rate, and life expectancy data baseline and updated data follow.
Baseline Data 127,893 Update Total 2020 Population: 146,944 +19,051
Baseline Data
Individuals Poverty Rate: 25.7%
Source: Individuals: Table B17021 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates Census - Table Results
Source: Individuals: Table B17021 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates Census - Table Results; Households: Table B17017 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates Census - Table Results; Families: Table B17010 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates Census - Table Results
Baseline Data 19% Update 9.44% -9.56% Data Source: CDC Life Expectancy Data Viz (
Source: Census Table S2301 2019 ACS 5-Year Estimates Census - Table Results
Baseline Data 72 years old Update 75.7 years old +3.7 Data Source: CDC Life Expectancy Data Viz (
Data Source: CDC Life Expectancy Data Viz (
The Sacramento Promise Zone goal and role is to facilitate partnership between federal, state and local agencies to give local leaders proven tools to improve the quality of life in some of Sacramento’s most vulnerable area. We are committed coordinating resources, building capacity and creating public-private partnerships for you (our partners) to drive area revitalization with following goals:
Create Jobs
Increase Economic Activity
Improve Educational Opportunities
Improve Health and Wellness
Facilitate Neighborhood Revitalization
Please reach out to Julius Austin via phone at (916) 449-6212 or email at to:
Connect to federal, state, or local partners
Share resources for the communities
Share resources for leaders/partners
Identify federal or non-federal funding
Get letters of support for funding
Increase your capacity for efforts focused on the Sacramento Promise Zone!
Visit our website at for more information.