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About the Sacramento Promise Zone

"The Promise Zone area encompasses neighborhoods in Sacramento that have demonstrated need, but also  have the capacity for positive neighborhood change  due to historic and current levels of investment and community engagement."


Promise Zone History

• Create Jobs
• Increase Economic  Activity
• Improve Educational  Opportunities
• Improve Health and  Wellness
• Facilitate Neighborhood Revitalization

On April 28, 2015, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that Sacramento received a Promise Zone designation. The Promise Zone designation creates a partnership between federal, state and local agencies to give local leaders proven tools to improve the quality of life in some of Sacramento’s most vulnerable areas.


Sacramento is one of eight Promise Zones in the country announced in the second round of designations from 123 applicants in 36 states, including Washington DC and Puerto Rico, and the only recipient in Northern California.


As a Promise Zone, Sacramento receives significant benefits including priority access to federal investments that further local strategic plans, federal staff on the ground to help implement goals, and five full time AmeriCorps VISTA members to recruit and manage volunteers and strengthen the capacity of the Promise Zone partners.


“The City of Sacramento and our partners are committed to pursuing opportunities that will support the goals of the Promise Zone. As the capital city of California, our goal is to be a model city for the region and state. The designation presents an extraordinary opportunity for the Promise Zone neighborhoods and the region.” - Kevin Johnson, Former Sacramento Mayor 


The Sacramento Promise Zone encompasses 22 square miles of the economically hardest-hit neighborhoods in the city. More than 30% of residents in the Promise Zone have yet to achieve a high school diploma or GED. Nearly a quarter of the residents are foreign-born with limited English proficiency. The Promise Zone also has alarmingly high unemployment and mortality rates.


As the lead applicant, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, in partnership with more than 150 key partners, committed to coordinate resources, build capacity and create public-private partnerships to drive area revitalization. The partners adopted the following five goals to improve the quality of life and accelerate revitalization:



Promise Zone Interactive Map


To become a Promise Zone partner, organizations must work in or impact populations within the Sacramento Promise Zone's 22 square miles. Use the above map to find where you are within the Zone.


1. Check the middle link ("Are You Located in the Promise Zone?") in the top menu bar to get started.


2. Enter an address into the search bar to see if it falls within the Promise Zone


3. Go to our Partners page and get involved now!


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Proudly powered by the AmeriCorps VISTA Members of the Sacramento Promise Zone.

Copyright © 2021 Sacramento Promise Zone. All rights reserved.

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