$50,000 - $150,000 CBO funding for existing high IMPACT projects/programs

The Financial Institution Collaborative (The Collaborative) is a funder-led collective impact effort to fund activities that support the Promise Zone’s goals. The Collaborative (formerly FIPO) is an informal initiative comprised of banks, credit unions, philanthropic organizations, public/private entities, and support from the Sacramento Promise Zone. The Collaborative also increases visibility and awareness of local organizations, community needs, projects, and significant initiatives for local and national funders.
$50,000 - $150,000 in funding is available. Depending on the proposal, there may be an opportunity to fund a larger project.
Please note that depending on the number of participating funders, there may be an opportunity to fund a larger project or more than one project.
The banks/funders are
looking for existing, high impact (i.e. number of people served and partnerships) project(s)/programs(s) in the Promise Zone.
Proposed project(s)/program(s) must align with 1 or more of the following focus areas along with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requirements:
Small Business Technical Assistance
Workforce Development
Affordable Housing
Benefits of applying:
Organization exposure
Program/Project exposure
Opportunity to leverage funds
Establish relationships with funders
(If awarded) $50,000 - $150,000 in funding.
To apply, please submit your completed application to sacpromisezone@shra.org. Applications are due by December 10, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
Please contact Julius Austin, Sa
cramento Promise Zone Coordinator, with any questions at jaustin@shra.org or at (916) 449-6212.