Promise Zone Partners Collaborate to Build Community Health
June 2018 - On Wednesday, May 16, 2018 the Sacramento Promise Zone hosted its first community health fair. The health fair was located at the Greater Sacramento Urban League (GSUL) in North Sacramento. About 15 community based organizations (CBOs) were present to provide a one-stop shop for Promise Zone residents to access an array of health and wellness resources. Resources provided include MediCal, CalFresh, food donations, library services, health education materials, healthcare providers, and much more.
Since the GSUL is located in the Promise Zone boundaries in North Sacramento, it was a great location to host the health fair. The health fair at GSUL allowed this community to obtain resources, services, and organizations that otherwise may be seen as having barriers to access. This was also the first time partner organizations were able to provide their resources to Promise Zone residents in this kind of setting. As Health Education Council partner Carlos Romero stated, “The health fair was a great opportunity for the community to get some information about the resources available to them [in their community].” Mandy Werrin, from Sacramento Public Library, noted that she “had a great time talking to community members about our Summer Reading program and how they and their families can win free books and prizes all summer long!”
Not only was the health fair a great event for community members but it was also a space for organizations to connect. Participating organizations were able to learn more about the services and resources each provides in the Promise Zone. “The health fair served as a great opportunity to connect with organizations we hope to work with in the future,” said Daphne Burgess from Crocker Art Museum.“You never know who you will meet at events like this, and it’s always nice to make a connection with people who can support each other in some way.”
Did you miss the first Promise Zone Health Fair? If so, make sure to attend the next on Wednesday, June 27 from 5-7 pm at the Maple Neighborhood Center, 3301 37th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95824. There will be over 15+ health and wellness related organizations in attendance to provide an array of opportunities and resources. See you there!